the BOOKS of thum

the 1st BOOK

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the 1st BOOK of thum

Liberty Days

I need a break.
I’m not sure where anymore.
I’m ready to travel now;
My shoes are new,
My expectations are waiting.
However, my soul isn’t new
and it’s worn by the fake faiths.
I got away on this good day
to absorb the brilliance.
I came upon a pleasant parade.
There’s so much peace here.
Kids look in grand amazement.
I, too, am in awe like the child 
announcing the oncoming floats and attractions.
This is good for the spirit,
It brings the innocence back 
to thoughts so easily corruptible.
It’s a time where fathers are kings.
My discontent leaves with a quick, light breeze,
	and any problems with the world vanish with it.
My pompous pride is left behind.
I feel that’s how all feel right now.
The laughable plain face clowns are there to entertain.
This is the only one place known 
	where genies and magic carpets still exist.
Here they appear once a year to celebrate this simple town.
I don’t belong amongst the onlookers,
but I feel at home anyways.
This is a desirable enjoyment summer brings.
I’m glad seasons always come back to summer;
	It holds down the insanity of the lonesome cold.

Liberty Days

Page 11

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